so i was gonna write about seeing no joy, wavves, and best coast. But honestly, i can't say enough about how seeing a sold out show at emo's makes me cringe. i could listen to it all in my car and geek the fuck out moreso than the show thursday nite. whatever..shit was fun and much anticipated..but like most shows at emo's (God bless 'em) just can hear what i wanna hear properly when i can't get front and center. IN other newz..I'M GOING TO SEE JEFF MANGUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HFC, holy fucking christ i am going to new jersey to see Jeff Mangum at the intimate (?) monday nite show following the all tomorrows parties festival in october. I never thought i'd get to have this experience. My girl Julia refreshed and refreshed browser style and was able to procure us tix. This means i have to move to NY.not that there was any question, but hey, i'm going...and i have an adventure to attend to a few months after i arrive. the stars have aligned for once. YOOOOZA!!!!! and on a side note, K-spot and myself tried dancing this saturday and heard a terrific track..we couldn't figure out who it was..had a beach fossils sort of vibe...something about Olivia in the lyrics.. if anyone knows said track please comment! it would make us veeeery happy!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
damnit i need a whole day to write about this but a lovely photo will have to suffice for now...see below and good gracious, aren't we all so excited?!? BTW, what's with the (Neutral Milk Hotel) next to my husbands name? if you get tix for the intimate mangum-only monday nite and need that set of parentheses to know what you're in for....well..GAAAAAAAHHHHHHH. i hope you at least have the best fucking life changing, heart healing, magical nite of your life (TRYING not to be jealous)...OR sell them to someone who will weep in the presence of such majesty, AKA elgirl... here! present and accounted for! check! pick me, pick me, pick me!

more to come, OMG! WTF?!?!!!

more to come, OMG! WTF?!?!!!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
4 is the magic number
its 4 am here, which is appropriate cuz i have exactly 4 things i want to write about just briefly before haytime. geez if only i had 4 hours!
1) recorded:
i just got a collection of ariel pink and matt fishbecks Holy SHit. i'm not too schooled on this but i'm becoming a quick lover of all things holy shit. i think of TV personalities when i hear it.. church bells and both anger and sadness..and i long to see it live, even though i prolly never will.. the politics and passion and beauty of it all..they have my heart in so many ways.. how can they span such great lengths to connect to us all on a myriad of different levels/topics/interests.. God bless em.. Hers's my favorite "My Whole Life Story"
2)Live: I went to see The Laughing tonite. I've been a bad fan. its been months since ive seen them. and GODDAMNIT i wanted to leave the venue and weep of happiness of the wonder of this show. the growth as a band is astounding *been following for years* and id o hope they make it out on another tour.. i saw Grant just morph into an animal on the drums, and Logan leading the party with sexy, fluttering vocals.. which were totally audible just enough to hear the harmonies provided by Grant and new bass player Matt. I can't describe the influences i heard.. the old Jungle/experimental/indie rock pop labeling just cant cover the capacity of this band. I heard 4 new songs tonite. i wonder if they've been listening to Bear in Heaven.. 16 deluxe, sonic youth, psychadelic furs, syd barrett, gauntlet hair .. a fucking melting pot of the most delicious stew of tunes ever.. i wonder if they thought the jagged waterfalls of noise (via angular guitar, intriguing and low ended- as they should be- basslines, and blankets of synth noise) needed some oomph? cuz outta nowhere, loud bombastic and frantic drumming came in, and immediately a different (same) song was played. I was so impressed with the unexpected tempo changes, the rise and fall of the pace and energy, the noisy and melodic atmosphere, affected so perfectly with hints feedback and simple slices of noise and the crescendos down into a Lower Dens sort of jam the feeling of wanting another song RIGHT NOW! it was a truly brilliant show.. the best of 2011 so far..
here's and old video of The Laughing as captured by Leah Ross, an angel of a videographer;
3) I'm currently reading the 33 1/3 series about Neutral Milk Hotel's Aeroplane Over the Sea by Kim Cooper. I'm astounded at the closeness and open forum she's achieved with her account of the elephant 6 collective and the role Neutral Milk Hotel played during that beloved time in the late nineties in Athens, Georgia. I adore the back story, personal tidbits, and each members respective journies into the band... some of them involve New york city, Austin ,Texas (hook em fuckies!) ,and various other places around the country . I'm going to have to re read a few chapters with album art in hand, and Aeroplane on repeat in the itunes. i can't wait to finish. and I"m def going to the Elephant 6 Holiday Tour. I've refallen in love with this magic, even though i wasn't privvy to it during its inception. am i overindulging in a fantasy right now? cuz this book is blowing my mind in terms of the collectiveness and unconventional circus ride that made the elephant 6 collective we have pasted in all our heads. I hope not. i want to believe.
4) I'm leaving Austin. GODDAMNIT it was one of those nites when you see all the people you want, and really feel like your town is special. You miss some folks you wish were with you, but you see some folks that have been off the radar, such as yerself. Seeing The Laughing, seeing old friends, visiting beautiful special people for just a wonderful few moments.. it all meant so much.. it will be hard to leave..but i'm keeping my eyes on an unknown prize. a lil scary..but i know that new faces will be loved and the ones still here always go on tour.
side notes from tonite: Pajama pants get you everywhere at the ghetto convenient store, i miss being on stage with an instrument. DJing is a must and soon. i did not see Javelin tonite, and i don't regret it at the moment. hiding out for a while is grand. i think i saw some of my substitute teaching students at the laughing show. could be wrong but they all had cokes and fat Xs on the hands. weirdness. did not feel old despite said realization <3
loves from a friday nite,
1) recorded:
i just got a collection of ariel pink and matt fishbecks Holy SHit. i'm not too schooled on this but i'm becoming a quick lover of all things holy shit. i think of TV personalities when i hear it.. church bells and both anger and sadness..and i long to see it live, even though i prolly never will.. the politics and passion and beauty of it all..they have my heart in so many ways.. how can they span such great lengths to connect to us all on a myriad of different levels/topics/interests.. God bless em.. Hers's my favorite "My Whole Life Story"
2)Live: I went to see The Laughing tonite. I've been a bad fan. its been months since ive seen them. and GODDAMNIT i wanted to leave the venue and weep of happiness of the wonder of this show. the growth as a band is astounding *been following for years* and id o hope they make it out on another tour.. i saw Grant just morph into an animal on the drums, and Logan leading the party with sexy, fluttering vocals.. which were totally audible just enough to hear the harmonies provided by Grant and new bass player Matt. I can't describe the influences i heard.. the old Jungle/experimental/indie rock pop labeling just cant cover the capacity of this band. I heard 4 new songs tonite. i wonder if they've been listening to Bear in Heaven.. 16 deluxe, sonic youth, psychadelic furs, syd barrett, gauntlet hair .. a fucking melting pot of the most delicious stew of tunes ever.. i wonder if they thought the jagged waterfalls of noise (via angular guitar, intriguing and low ended- as they should be- basslines, and blankets of synth noise) needed some oomph? cuz outta nowhere, loud bombastic and frantic drumming came in, and immediately a different (same) song was played. I was so impressed with the unexpected tempo changes, the rise and fall of the pace and energy, the noisy and melodic atmosphere, affected so perfectly with hints feedback and simple slices of noise and the crescendos down into a Lower Dens sort of jam the feeling of wanting another song RIGHT NOW! it was a truly brilliant show.. the best of 2011 so far..
here's and old video of The Laughing as captured by Leah Ross, an angel of a videographer;
3) I'm currently reading the 33 1/3 series about Neutral Milk Hotel's Aeroplane Over the Sea by Kim Cooper. I'm astounded at the closeness and open forum she's achieved with her account of the elephant 6 collective and the role Neutral Milk Hotel played during that beloved time in the late nineties in Athens, Georgia. I adore the back story, personal tidbits, and each members respective journies into the band... some of them involve New york city, Austin ,Texas (hook em fuckies!) ,and various other places around the country . I'm going to have to re read a few chapters with album art in hand, and Aeroplane on repeat in the itunes. i can't wait to finish. and I"m def going to the Elephant 6 Holiday Tour. I've refallen in love with this magic, even though i wasn't privvy to it during its inception. am i overindulging in a fantasy right now? cuz this book is blowing my mind in terms of the collectiveness and unconventional circus ride that made the elephant 6 collective we have pasted in all our heads. I hope not. i want to believe.
4) I'm leaving Austin. GODDAMNIT it was one of those nites when you see all the people you want, and really feel like your town is special. You miss some folks you wish were with you, but you see some folks that have been off the radar, such as yerself. Seeing The Laughing, seeing old friends, visiting beautiful special people for just a wonderful few moments.. it all meant so much.. it will be hard to leave..but i'm keeping my eyes on an unknown prize. a lil scary..but i know that new faces will be loved and the ones still here always go on tour.
side notes from tonite: Pajama pants get you everywhere at the ghetto convenient store, i miss being on stage with an instrument. DJing is a must and soon. i did not see Javelin tonite, and i don't regret it at the moment. hiding out for a while is grand. i think i saw some of my substitute teaching students at the laughing show. could be wrong but they all had cokes and fat Xs on the hands. weirdness. did not feel old despite said realization <3
loves from a friday nite,
Sunday, January 9, 2011
to portlandia and back
just got home from a vacation in Portland, Oregon. my oh my did i ever rethink my relocation to new york...only after a few days...geez! its like a mini brooklyn up in there...completely neighborhooded and insular (in a good way) but with culture and urban buzz right across a bridge..if the BK doesn't work out, i'm hittin up the NW coast.. i was able to play with my niece in her unicorn fantasy room listening to lower dens, white rabbits, velvet underground, kid cudi, the xx, morning benders, heartless bastards...i've heard my niece sing silver apples before, and now i cannot wait to hear her interpretation of all the new faves...
Band to watch out of Portland: Karen <--yep, just one name, a female name, with bass, guitar, drums...singer sounded like the Strokes met up with Pavement, w/ extra percussion and more feedback. this is good.
I was out of town for free week. This is a week in Austin where you don't have to pay one red fucking cent to get into venues to see local bands.. fuckers are cheap here, cuz every show is packed to the gills and godbless the fandom and the exposure for the bands.. YES!! BUT geez, its always nice to see your faves in a venue that isn't so silly packed... Shows missed: Missions, Mother Falcon, The New Time, Dikes Of Holland, Salesmen, The Lemurs, What Made Milwaukee Famous, The Laughing, Frank Smith. BTW<--i'm happy to pay cash to see you all on a normal ass day ;)
So back at home with upcoming ATX happenings...
*Gunner and Rachel's new band Luck Mountain plays on wednesday..first live show, woo hoo! and also very intrigued by the name picked by the two dog lovers..
*Austin Psych Fest is comin up.. Atlas Sound, Spectrum, Dead Meadow, Crystal Stilts, Sleepy Sun, Fresh and Onlys, Tobacco.. to name a few! on the 13th more of the lineup will be up for internet stalking. i've never been to said festival, and have regretted not seeing past sets by Dum Dum Girls or the Raveonettes at APF, but i think i may just have to get up on it this year..
*Best Coast, Wavves, and No Joy in two weeks.. Hooray!!
*beginning of February...Wild Nothing (GONNA TOTALLY FREAK OUT!!)
*SXSW in mid march...more blogs to come on that...meeting band from brazil? score!
so i'll continue to TCB in my last few months in the ATX...its an odd feeling but i capsulize it quite comfortably in my lil head. I know that the shit will hit the fan soon enough. So lets just enjoy being sane for now.. Bottom line, i'm waay excited about the next adventure. (and the hopefully awesome ATX bucket adventures soon to come)
until next time..
Band to watch out of Portland: Karen <--yep, just one name, a female name, with bass, guitar, drums...singer sounded like the Strokes met up with Pavement, w/ extra percussion and more feedback. this is good.
I was out of town for free week. This is a week in Austin where you don't have to pay one red fucking cent to get into venues to see local bands.. fuckers are cheap here, cuz every show is packed to the gills and godbless the fandom and the exposure for the bands.. YES!! BUT geez, its always nice to see your faves in a venue that isn't so silly packed... Shows missed: Missions, Mother Falcon, The New Time, Dikes Of Holland, Salesmen, The Lemurs, What Made Milwaukee Famous, The Laughing, Frank Smith. BTW<--i'm happy to pay cash to see you all on a normal ass day ;)
So back at home with upcoming ATX happenings...
*Gunner and Rachel's new band Luck Mountain plays on wednesday..first live show, woo hoo! and also very intrigued by the name picked by the two dog lovers..
*Austin Psych Fest is comin up.. Atlas Sound, Spectrum, Dead Meadow, Crystal Stilts, Sleepy Sun, Fresh and Onlys, Tobacco.. to name a few! on the 13th more of the lineup will be up for internet stalking. i've never been to said festival, and have regretted not seeing past sets by Dum Dum Girls or the Raveonettes at APF, but i think i may just have to get up on it this year..
*Best Coast, Wavves, and No Joy in two weeks.. Hooray!!
*beginning of February...Wild Nothing (GONNA TOTALLY FREAK OUT!!)
*SXSW in mid march...more blogs to come on that...meeting band from brazil? score!
so i'll continue to TCB in my last few months in the ATX...its an odd feeling but i capsulize it quite comfortably in my lil head. I know that the shit will hit the fan soon enough. So lets just enjoy being sane for now.. Bottom line, i'm waay excited about the next adventure. (and the hopefully awesome ATX bucket adventures soon to come)
until next time..
Saturday, January 1, 2011
last meaningless blog of the year
its 433 am and i'm finally home... it was a good calm NYE, easing on the booze, and prioritizing my state of mind for my last bit of time with my niece tomorrow...not sure what to write about so i will prolly just babble on about good times big fun this year...
free week happens every year in ATX... starting Jan 1st.. all local all free. and all the cheapskates come out in groves.. But its good to play.. last year was grand with The Laughing, Frank Smith, Low Line Caller, Ovenbyrds, Riverboat Gamblers, Cartwright...may you all venture out farther than ever in 2K11
SXSW in march...most memorable shows were local natives, bear in Heaven, best Coast, Diamond Rings, fanfarlo, surfer blood, reading rainbow, hunx, we are scientists, washed out, small black, Tanlines, so many more..but the Windish party at emo's was outta was all day drinks, gas station sandwiches, goin home for a hot second and NOT napping.. then out again...i guess thats the time when "i can sleep when i die" mentality comes into play.. its a whole different world here during march..a world i enjoy..
working around the fanfarlo kids in march was quite awesome. seeing the songs come to life..the frustration and magic, fatigue and perseverence involved in the recording process...wonderful
April brought Beach House to Emo's ...i hate standing side stage, but its almost mandatory unless yer under 21 at this venue at a sold out show... still first time live was brilliant
Future islands in may (opening was lower dens) quite an intimate sunday nite show with k spot and new bandmates from teh sour loved...
toured with Sour Notes in late May...great to play all around teh east coast and canada..O canada! i want to live in you! seeing brooklyn after 3 yrs was pretty was the old friends and faces. so much <3
Triggermen show at trailer space was fuckin A!!
random mixtapes from k-spot always hit the spot <3
June came the NBA playoffs and i was in celtics mode.. FUCK the LAKERS!
July-august - the entire year.. it was peppered with Team Fab DJ gigs.. weddings and clubs...CD was all so grand..i hope to do again before i move..
August: dj gig prevented me from seeing woven bones and happy birthday..Beach Fossils at Emo's was just incredible gigs and the one nite KSpot and myself chose to see Harlem over the Drums.. Not disappointed.. Harlem ruled it..just off tour.. But fuckin A i've yet to see the drums live..
October...ACL best shows were pre show with Spoon at the Mohawk.. then offically, saw Spoon, plus Beach House, Soft Pack, Henry clay people, Edward Sharpe,Girls (roses round the mics...ahhh) sonic youth, the fuckin Eagles...dont' ask about the drug use or clothing please ;) plus so many others.. VIP is wonderful.. after show with Mates OF State at mohawk was surprisingly Afuckingmazing! also caught Sonny and the Sunsets which was a perfect icing on a delicious weekend cake
Elf Power.. my old lovers at emo's.. small crowd.. it dwindles over the years.. and no surprise guest spot from jeff mangum
FFF Fest in November..first time to see Wavves, the antlers, toro Y moi, os mutantes..was waay into all these sets, but mostly best coast, Black Nasty (best show i've seen from em live, woo hoo!), delorean (gotta love that language barrier!) ariel pink, GWAR WTF? the descendents....lost..Deerhunter OMG!
saw Future Islands and Lower Dens at mohawk properly w/ K-spot.. was thoroughly somewhere
saw millionyoung and teen daze... made for some great dancing, even if it was inside at the mohawk
WMMF and frank smith at antones was pretty awesome too.. again, locals completely kicking ass
memorable musical moments include beach house, Barbarella dance nites, team fab DJ nites, weddings where we had to behave, artist weekends with jim and britt and kspot at shang, five fingering geek outs, dancing to wild nothing, bryan/college station music festival, White dress, Karaoke, road trips to houston singing Detroit Cobras and Kelly Clarkson, the new Kanye west (this weeks been a bad massage, i need a happy ending) <---OMG i could go on forever!
lookings forward to in 2011:
Jean on Jean
The Laughing
Jeff the Brotherhood
Mister Heavenly
rainbow Bridge (<--great live vids on youtube)
The generationals
The very best
blackbird blackbird
Family of the year
the so so glos
white fence
maximum balloon
the crocodiles
pearl harbour--whatever they are called now..
more beach fossils, more wild nothing, more CEO, more SXSW discoveries... cheers to Candy Claws at the fest, RIP Women, RIP Ponytail :(, learning all the words to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, Elephant 6 holiday tour...
No Joy, getting around to that newish smith westerns....
and all the other bands i hear so much about this year but never really took the time to get up on that shit.. so here's my memory aid for 2011..
this year really meant a lot more than this blog..but i'm all for jotting down and editing.
much loves to you all..
free week happens every year in ATX... starting Jan 1st.. all local all free. and all the cheapskates come out in groves.. But its good to play.. last year was grand with The Laughing, Frank Smith, Low Line Caller, Ovenbyrds, Riverboat Gamblers, Cartwright...may you all venture out farther than ever in 2K11
SXSW in march...most memorable shows were local natives, bear in Heaven, best Coast, Diamond Rings, fanfarlo, surfer blood, reading rainbow, hunx, we are scientists, washed out, small black, Tanlines, so many more..but the Windish party at emo's was outta was all day drinks, gas station sandwiches, goin home for a hot second and NOT napping.. then out again...i guess thats the time when "i can sleep when i die" mentality comes into play.. its a whole different world here during march..a world i enjoy..
working around the fanfarlo kids in march was quite awesome. seeing the songs come to life..the frustration and magic, fatigue and perseverence involved in the recording process...wonderful
April brought Beach House to Emo's ...i hate standing side stage, but its almost mandatory unless yer under 21 at this venue at a sold out show... still first time live was brilliant
Future islands in may (opening was lower dens) quite an intimate sunday nite show with k spot and new bandmates from teh sour loved...
toured with Sour Notes in late May...great to play all around teh east coast and canada..O canada! i want to live in you! seeing brooklyn after 3 yrs was pretty was the old friends and faces. so much <3
Triggermen show at trailer space was fuckin A!!
random mixtapes from k-spot always hit the spot <3
June came the NBA playoffs and i was in celtics mode.. FUCK the LAKERS!
July-august - the entire year.. it was peppered with Team Fab DJ gigs.. weddings and clubs...CD was all so grand..i hope to do again before i move..
August: dj gig prevented me from seeing woven bones and happy birthday..Beach Fossils at Emo's was just incredible gigs and the one nite KSpot and myself chose to see Harlem over the Drums.. Not disappointed.. Harlem ruled it..just off tour.. But fuckin A i've yet to see the drums live..
October...ACL best shows were pre show with Spoon at the Mohawk.. then offically, saw Spoon, plus Beach House, Soft Pack, Henry clay people, Edward Sharpe,Girls (roses round the mics...ahhh) sonic youth, the fuckin Eagles...dont' ask about the drug use or clothing please ;) plus so many others.. VIP is wonderful.. after show with Mates OF State at mohawk was surprisingly Afuckingmazing! also caught Sonny and the Sunsets which was a perfect icing on a delicious weekend cake
Elf Power.. my old lovers at emo's.. small crowd.. it dwindles over the years.. and no surprise guest spot from jeff mangum
FFF Fest in November..first time to see Wavves, the antlers, toro Y moi, os mutantes..was waay into all these sets, but mostly best coast, Black Nasty (best show i've seen from em live, woo hoo!), delorean (gotta love that language barrier!) ariel pink, GWAR WTF? the descendents....lost..Deerhunter OMG!
saw Future Islands and Lower Dens at mohawk properly w/ K-spot.. was thoroughly somewhere
saw millionyoung and teen daze... made for some great dancing, even if it was inside at the mohawk
WMMF and frank smith at antones was pretty awesome too.. again, locals completely kicking ass
memorable musical moments include beach house, Barbarella dance nites, team fab DJ nites, weddings where we had to behave, artist weekends with jim and britt and kspot at shang, five fingering geek outs, dancing to wild nothing, bryan/college station music festival, White dress, Karaoke, road trips to houston singing Detroit Cobras and Kelly Clarkson, the new Kanye west (this weeks been a bad massage, i need a happy ending) <---OMG i could go on forever!
lookings forward to in 2011:
Jean on Jean
The Laughing
Jeff the Brotherhood
Mister Heavenly
rainbow Bridge (<--great live vids on youtube)
The generationals
The very best
blackbird blackbird
Family of the year
the so so glos
white fence
maximum balloon
the crocodiles
pearl harbour--whatever they are called now..
more beach fossils, more wild nothing, more CEO, more SXSW discoveries... cheers to Candy Claws at the fest, RIP Women, RIP Ponytail :(, learning all the words to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, Elephant 6 holiday tour...
No Joy, getting around to that newish smith westerns....
and all the other bands i hear so much about this year but never really took the time to get up on that shit.. so here's my memory aid for 2011..
this year really meant a lot more than this blog..but i'm all for jotting down and editing.
much loves to you all..
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