Tuesday, September 28, 2010

weekly date.

first and foremost, anyone reading this should go straight here http://kmusicnow.blogspot.com/
This is my number one musical partner in crime AKA the ever so lovely K-Spot, Krissie, Homegirl, etc i have referred to in past blogs. She's started a blog and trust me, you should listen to her. Your life WILL BE BETTER. Lucky me, I have listened to her in the form of countless mix cds over the past year we've been friends. If i had the fundage, i'd send a copy of each to everyone i know. Or even better, i'd ask her to partner up with me and we'd start a record label, a promotions company...or at least fly around the world and see whatever show or festival we wanted. But i'm not independently wealthy, unfortunately. Point is, she's shown me great bands, i like to think i returned the favor at one time or another, and its wonderful how we feed off each other so well. Its a peculiar bond we have, one that developed quickly out of circumstances beyond our control.... we were awash with turmoil, sadness, sickness, anger, and confusion a year ago, and i wouldn't have made it through without her. There was always one thing to take our minds off the madness of our shared experience: music. cliche as it sounds, blah blah, its truer than true. Whether we were geekin out on something new, dancing, or seeing shows, it was a perfect escape mechanism from the times, and a perfect time to become friends. And here we are, together in the blogosphere, and just a couple of hours away from our ritualistic tuesday nite hangout at Shang Ri La. Two dollar Tuesdays yo! Its our time to catch up, question everything that's right and wrong with our lives, and talk about bands. Most definitely a weekly highlight. The good news is that now, If i want K-Spot on a Monday, i can have her on this here blog site. woo hooo! once i get all fancy pants and such i'll even link her up to me, if she'll have me ;)

Recent R &Rs:

Regrets: missed Twin Shadow on Friday, Gayngs album not as awesome as i envisioned, didn't impulsively buy plane ticket to Scion Garagefest in Lawrence, Kansas this weekend.

Reward: "Peace in the Valley" by Dawes, GL for Spoon at the mohawk on LD, successfully DJing a wedding, sneaking in Weezer "Surf Wax America, and watching the groomsmen go apeshit ;)

bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. I love our weekly dates AND how we talk about music like we are professional band scouts. If only we could really do this for a living.... a girl can dream, right?

    Blogsphriends for ev's
